July 10, 2022

                                                               AMERICAN MULE ASSOCIATION

                                                                    Board of Directors Meeting

                                                                                July 10, 2022

                                                                                  H-B Saloon

                                                            401 East F Street Oakdale, CA 95361



Meeting Called by:            President Casie Fairbanks

Note Taker:                         Secretary Jody Lowrey

Facilitator:                           H-B Saloon


Meeting called to order by Casie Fairbanks at 10:22am and Flag salute.


Roll Call:  Becky Santucci, JoDe Collins, Jessica Bishop, Barbara Schuyler, Sue Wallace, Kellie Shields, Casie Fairbanks, Jody Lowrey, Chris Lowrey, Michele Chico, Erin Kight.  Members joined by Zoom, Lou Jacobsen, Maggie Moore, Joe Gonzalez, Rebecca Raede, Jeannie Raede and Emily Berman.


Absent:  Jim Harvey.  Motion to excuse Jim Harvey by Jody Lowrey.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed. 


Read Minutes of last Meeting:

Motion to accept the minutes by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Becky Santucci.  Motion passed. 


Secretary Report & Correspondence:                                                          Jody Lowrey, Secretary

No Report.


Treasurer Report:                                                                                             Michele Chico, Treasurer

We have had three people to try and get money in our Stripe account and seven vendors requesting payment.  They have been looked into and have stopped.  Need to move some of the checking into savings.  We have a total of $36,689.89 in the bank, $25,677.98 in checking and $11,011.19 in savings. All reports were handed in at the meeting. The CPA suggested moving some money from checking into savings account.  Michele does not have an ATM card, will go the bank and will have one issued.  Kelly Moore did turn over a check that was dated for March 2021 that the bank would not let Michele deposit.  Check was sent back to member to change the date.

If anyone gets an email from Casie and if this looks suspicious, please check email address or check with Casie to make sure this is from her.  Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Becky Santucci.  Motion passed.  



Old Business-Reports. 


Executive Report:                                                                                              Maggie Moore, Vice President

No Report.


Performance & Judges Report:                                                             JoDe Collins/Emily Berman, Chairperson

We have had 3 shows with Blossom Trail with assessment fees of $1296.00, Gold Country assessment fees $1,596.00 and Bishop which has not be turned in, thinking it should be around $2300.00, per Monica at Bishop and the check will be put in the mail.   We also had Kellie’s show and upcoming Bear Valley, Gold Country and Blossom Trail. Both spring shows were very successful.  Bear Valley is single judged and Gold Country and Blossom Trail will be doubled judged.   Motion to accept the report by Becky Santucci.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed.


Youth Scholarship:                                                                                            Emily Berman, Chairperson

No Report. 


Membership Report:                                                                                        Lou Jacobsen, Chairperson

We have 183 memberships, 7 youths, 31 lifetime and 10 judges. The guest judge from Sanger will not be an approved judged.  Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed. 


Registration Report:                                                                                      Jody Lowrey, Chairperson

Total money received from 2/10/22-6/9/22 in registrations and transfers was $745.00.  Motion to accept report by Michele Chico.  Second by Becky Santucci.  Motion passed.


Points Committee:                                                                             Maggie Moore/Jeanne Raede, Chairperson   

Results from the Blossom Trail and Gold Country shows have been received and put on the website. Maggie put out a good word to our show managers and appreciates them very much.   

With the turmoil at Bishop, do not expect to receive the results anytime soon.  Last year it took 5 months to receive them.  I have requested that they send original judge’s cards in order to give our members what they earned according to AMA rules.  Have received SSA and LEVA from 6 members so far but do not calculate until the end of the year.  Motion to accept report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed.


Newsletter Report:                                               Casie Fairbanks, Lou Jacobsen, Emily Berman, Editor

Send out about 300 newsletters.  Extra ones went to old members, the only problem with this is that they still think they are members.  Jessica would stamp them that this will be their last one if they do not renew their membership. Will not be putting Bishop results in the next issue until some of the turmoil settles. Maybe with the extra newsletters we can have at the shows for people.  Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Becky Santucci.  Motion passed.


Leva/SSA:                                                                                Casie Fairbanks/Maggie Moore, Chairperson

No report. 


Teamster Report:                                                                           Barbara Schuyler/Emily Berman, Chairperson

Driving classes are growing, had 20 teams at Bishop.  A special thank you to Southwest Show Management, Kellie Shields, Sue Wallace and all the hard workers that made for a wonderful event in the Western States Mule and Donkey Spectacular.  Thank you for including the traditional driving classes and adding some new fun driving classes.  Motion to accept the report by Jody Lowrey.  Second by Kellie Shields. Motion passed.


Packing Committee:                                                                                                     Joe Gonzalez, Chairperson

Lou Jacobsen has been coaching at Cal Poly and this year at Bishop we saw her student’s hard work in action. A thank you out to Lou for teaching a new generation of packers.  Packing remains on most show premiums this year, and with some of the shows offering doubled judged/double points we will have some happy packers at the next awards banquet.  As usual I am happy to offer my mules to anyone interested in showing a hand at packing.  Jody Lowrey took me up on this and did very well.  Motion to accept the report by Becky Santucci. Second by Jody Lowrey.  Motion passed. 


Awards Committee:                                      Kellie Shields, Sue Wallace, Erin Kight, Emily Berman and                        

                                                                          Rebecca Raede, Chairperson

For the awards year ending in 2021, the approved budget was $13,000.  In addition, the awards committee raised approximately another $5000 in sponsorship monies. 

We awarded 28 divisional championships in 2021, we had Top 10 high point mules.  We had limited donkey participation, however the Amateur categories were well supported and placed to 10th

We had a surplus of money in the amount of $600. We may have enough donkeys this year to award a saddle.  Motion to accept the report by Michele Chico.  Second by Becky Santucci. Motion passed. 


Rule Change Committee:                                                                Casie Fairbanks, Maggie Moor, JoDe Collins,

                                                                                                             Kellie Shields, Jeanne Raede, Chairperson

No report.  Discussion of putting the rule change form in show packets also on the website.  Rule changes will need to be in by year end. 


Election Committee:                                                                          Brian Morris/Lou Jacobsen, Chairperson

No report.  Will have this in the newsletter.


Cattle Committee:                                                                              Joe Gonzalez & JoDe Collins, Chairperson

We are grateful to Jessica Bishop in providing us with 2 shows offering cattle events this year.  Not sure if there will be a third show which will mean no awards this year for the roping division.  The team roping will not count from Bishop Mules Days, but steer stopping will count for points.  It is nice to see Ryler and Shane Fairbanks roping together as a son/father team. Donkeys also worked cattle at Jessica’s show and the steers were just right for everyone to have a chance. Jessica did bring up that her shows are doubles judged and if ropers showed up they would get their 3 shows.  Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed. 


Banquet Committee:                                                                                           Becky Santucci, Chairperson

There was 98 adult and 6 youth dinners sold at the banquet.  There was $4571 raised in the live auction and about $2000 raised in the raffle. Becky will get the correct amount in the raffle to us when she gets back to Nevada.   Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Jessica Bishop.  Motion passed.


Promotions & Website:                                                                                         Emily Berman & Chris Lowrey

Have started an Instagram and this is going great.  Mules N More are taking old photos and putting them on Facebook and Instagram.  If you have any good articles send Emily’s way to put on Facebook.  Motion to accept the report by Jody Lowrey.  Second by Jessica Bishop.  Motion passed. 



Historical Committee:                                                                                             Lou Jacobsen, Chairperson

Reminder for nominations for Hall of Fame in the newsletter that the form is on the website.  Going to ask Emma Linder if she would share some of her old photos.  She has been posting some of the old packing photos.  Motion to accept the report by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Becky Santucci.  Motion passed. 



New Business


Amateur status of a competitor:                                                                                     Casie Fairbanks

A protest was turned in with the payment $50.00 that Casey Jo Billings entered as amateur. She is a trainer and has a business Billings Performance Horses.  Even though she is not a member this affects the members in the placings.  Motion by Becky Santucci to send her a letter that we will be pulling her points since she is not an amateur and that any future entries under amateur will not be approved.  We will then move up contestants that was placed below her will be moved up.  Second by Jessica Bishop. Motion passed. 


Amateur declaration form:   

We can add this to show packets to add to the entry form that is signed by the contestant that they are amateurs.  At least this way we have their signature that they are an amateur this way we are covered since the contestant signed it.   We can put the amateur declaration on a PDF for the website it and also have an explanation of amateur in the newsletter.   


Mules and More Advertising:                                                                                     Emily Berman

Corey with Mules and More wants to know if we still want to run the ad for August and October?

Emily will get the cost for half page and full page for Casie.  Like to put in our ad up coming shows, Leva/SSA, our website and scholarship.   


During our lunch we listen to Dr. Elaine Norton and Dr. Amy McLean presentation on Metabolic syndrome in mules. 


Banquet Cost:                                                                                                               Becky Santucci

We are looking at the weekend of February 18th.  We need to get this done soon to reserve a facility.  Looking more central California. If anyone has any ideas need to get to Becky as soon as possible.  Was given a couple of facilities and Becky will check prices and they have what we need to have our meeting and banquet.  Prices seem to have increased. 


Budget for Awards: 

Budget approved for awards will be $14,000.00 for the 2022 show season.  Motion to accept the amount by Jessica Bishop.  Second by Becky Santucci. Motion passed. 


Packing Clinic/Rendezvous

The biggest complaint right now is pointing out of the non pro.  We need to think about changing this so that we can keep members interested in competing.  Need to put in a rule change and even revamping the packing divisions. 

Lou will be having a mini rendezvous at Cal Poly 1-2 days October/November and adding a packing contest for members thinking this may attract some competitors and they can earn points. Maybe have them pay for the $2.00 assessments. 

 We can also use this time to meet with some of the bicyclists about leaving no trace and sharing trails.  They are opening more trails to bicyclists so this would be a great opportunity to speak with them.  We also could have some vendors available, they can’t sell anything  but could bring information.


Judges Clinic:  Tentative dates for Judges Clinic are December 3-4 at Triple Crown Arena.  The charge is $25.00 per day per person.  Anyone who attends the clinic make it into an informational clinic also for members.  With this being at the Triple Crown Arena JoDe can move stock to the clinic.  We will need a budget for possible speakers, offer breakfast and lunch, possible advertisement.  Can get rooms in Roseville cheaper and can get a group rate.  Maybe we can offer free membership for a year for the clinic cost.   Maggie makes a motion to move forward with the judge’s clinic and will approve the budget as we move along. Second by Jessica Bishop.  Motion passed.    


Discussion about an emergency rule change, will need to put this in for a rule change.


Donation for Metabolic Study:

The study will only be for a few more week, so we need to keep that in mind and maybe later we can talk about donating more.  Emily could get something online and they are also individuals also donating.

Jessica Bishop makes a motion to donate $2500 with a status report at the end of the first round and then reconvene and talk about more funding if needed.  Maggie seconds.  Motion passed.


Jeanne Raede asked about prohibiting the use of draw reins at shows.  We do use draw reins in the warm up arena but they are not used in competition.  That will need to be put in for a rule change.


Also brought up was sanctioning shows in other parts of United States.  That is always open, the show secretaries just need to ask for a show packet.  We have always been open to having shows in other areas, Emily was interested and also Laura in Texas.  If interested Jeanne could start a committee. 



JoDe Collins has been in contact with Bishop and they are not changing anything about the Green Mule points.  Monica did say they were waiting for a second signature on the assessment check and will be mailing that along with the judge’s cards. 

Bishop is treating this as no big deal and will not be changing any of this for the green mules.  The level of taking ownership is not there and not recognizing that this caused a big deal.  The blame of course fell on the AMA for changing rules.  So now we need to move forward from here and see how we want to go. 

We will be honoring the placings as we said we would.  Maggie did take screenshots of the board at Bishop of the placings up to Sunday. 

The letter that Bishop sent out were they said they were not going to honor the Green Mule rule change for the COVID year was not noticed.  There was an email that was with this letter and all the other changes they were going to make took all the attention to get this fixed and with multiply conversations with Kevin and Monica and nothing said to JoDe that they were not going to honor the Green Mules.  They did change their handbook multiply times before it went to print. 

JoDe did approach Kevin that this needs to be fixed and Kevin said this is not fixable and JoDe did tell him that this is a very easy fix and still the answer was no.  In the handbook it was never mentioned that they were not going to honor the Green Mule rule.

JoDe said the Bishop Board was communicating because Monica told JoDe in an earlier conversation before the show started that she was going to check and get back to her on Monday. Our letter did go out to them in February, but there will be changing this with Bishop so we just need to decide where we go from here.

Joe Gonzalez said that he has been in the organization for over 30 years and every year we have nothing but problems with them.  We should not keep sanctioning the show, they are not respecting our organization. 

Maggie does read the rule in our rule book, page 28 15-D, the rule reads “In applying for the above dates, the show agrees to abide by the rules of the AMA and failure to do so constitutes a violation of the rules which may subject the show to a fine of $50.00 and bar future approval.  Michele does read more of the rules on page 28.

There is a discussion of when the letter should be sent to Bishop.  A few of the Board Members would like to wait until December to send letter, others would like it sent in August.  Kellie Shields did bring up a great point that we should announce this sooner rather than later since a lot of contestants need to plan time off and finances. 

When the letter for Bishop is drawn up, we need to be sure and put in the rule that was read by Maggie on page 28 15-D. 

Lou did mention that the Board of the fairgrounds did state that if we had any problems with Bishop Mule Days to let them know.  We need to make sure before approaching them that this is the correct position we want to take. 

JoDe added that we cannot let Bishop keep breaking rules when we have all the other show managers following the rules.  Bishop has threatened us multiply times that they were going to let us go.  Lou also noted that we have lost members because of Bishop. 

Jessica Bishop makes a motion that we do not sanction Bishop for 2023.  Let members know that Bishop will not be approved for 2023, after we have the assessment check and in the bank.  Becky Santucci seconds.  Motion passed. 


Emily was posting the results and Amy McLean was upset, so Emily took down then Brandi Payor asked why we took results down. 

We will be honoring our placings by the Green Mule rule we had in place we can let Brandi know and then we will tally the placings.  For now, Emily can post everything but Green Mules.  Maggie will tally the placings, and this may take her a little while. 


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:18pm.  Second by Michele Chico.  Motion passed













































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